- windows supplier London

A window may be a clear hole in a wall or door that allows light to meet up with and, if it is not closed or sealed, air and sound. Windows are sometimes glazed or coated with different transparent or clear material. The windows are control in situ by frames that stop them from collapsing. They will sometimes be open, allowing ventilation, or enclosed the event of inclement weather. The word window comes from the old norse word vindauga, meaning wind and auga - the attention, or eye wind. In Norwegian and Icelandic type, this name has survived to the current day in a terribly very similar form. Several Germanic languages have adopted the Latin word opening to explain a window with glass - windows supplier London In English, the word fenester was used until the top of the mid-eighteenth century and in window joinery it is still used to describe window solutions within the facade. The windows in their primitive kind were just a straightforward hole in the wall. Later, the windows began to be coated with varied materials, which in the main served as decorative items. They were, maybe, animal fur, material or wood.

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