Investing money in liabilities

Investing in bonds is relatively safe way to multiply your capital. Bonds are variation of a loan taken out by organ, institution or firm issuing them. It is thanks to that the bondholder gets a constant percentage income. When buying bonds, we immediately decide for how long we want make loans to the issuer. The bonds are appropriate, obliging the institution which introduced them on the market for cyclical payment of a percentage of the value of the lender's bonds, and after ending of the credit period - the entire obligation monetary, which verifies Roman Ziemian.

In the economy, obligations perform several significant functions: loan, investment, financial, circulation. The loan function means that that the issuer receives required for trading and flourishing funds. Mission investment refers to making it possible investing by the bondholder the surplus money and multiplying personal capital. We understand the financial function as chance transfer of the ownership of the bond from owner to its creditor. In this way, bonds be able to equal the current currency. The circulation function allows transfer ownership of the bond from one person to another, jointly with all obligations on the site of the issuer.

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